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2005-10-04 | 7:25 a.m.
<< I want.... >>


This was from yesterday...

[09:06] Cadence's Dad: you're there already?
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: this thing took 23 minutes to sign on
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: so I have about 5 minutes left
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: I hate this thing
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: this place
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: the military for sending me back here for no reason
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: I love you
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: Cadence
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: my parents and brother
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: the United States
[09:06] Cadence's Dad: ummmm....
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: that's about it
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: so anyway
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: I KNEW you wouldn't really be on line
[09:07] *** Auto-response sent to Cadence's Dad: I am currently idle.
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: you got my hopes up for nothing
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: that
[09:07] Cadence's Dad: s that's ok...I will be back tonight
[09:08] Cadence's Dad: to try and get this piece of shit to work a little faster
[09:08] Cadence's Dad: what the hell am I doing here
[09:08] Cadence's Dad: of course it won't work faster
[09:08] Cadence's Dad: and ya know what?
[09:08] Cadence's Dad: even though I stink, I was ina good mood all day till I got here
[09:09] Cadence's Dad: took me 8 minutes just to bring up the Rockland trust site, and an additional 4 minutes to get to my account
[09:09] Cadence's Dad: that is almost half my time in bullshit
[09:09] Cadence's Dad: so I can't even read one of your emails...can't check out pictures
[09:10] Cadence's Dad: all I can do is sit here and hate everything around me
[09:10] Cadence's Dad: oh I hate...I hate things aorund me a lot
[09:10] Cadence's Dad: especially the stink I am omitting
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: I stink because someone said we had out containers here
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: so I dind't go and get, or send someone, to get a bar of soap.
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: I have no soap
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: till that thing gets here
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: so I stink
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: and I will stink till then
[09:11] Cadence's Dad: hate hate hate
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: I clicked an email form you 16 minutes ago
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: the little blue bar at the bottom is still less than half way to the right
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: this thing takes forever
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: so...anyway
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: I love you Jo
[09:12] Cadence's Dad: I miss you to bits
[09:13] Cadence's Dad: I wanna hug, and a beer, and Hooters, and to hold Cadence up in the air and watch her smile
[09:13] Cadence's Dad: and smell our candles
[09:13] Cadence's Dad: and lay in bed
[09:14] Cadence's Dad: and feel your little weight of your little body on mine
[09:14] Cadence's Dad: I wanna kiss your neck
[09:14] Cadence's Dad: and feel your hair on my face
[09:14] Cadence's Dad: I wanna watch you get ready to go to work
[09:14] Cadence's Dad: I wanna take a hot shower in my house with my wife
[09:15] Cadence's Dad: I miss my Expedition
[09:15] Cadence's Dad: I miss, being impatient behind stupid people on the road
[09:15] Cadence's Dad: I just want to be home with you baby
[09:15] Cadence's Dad: I love you
[09:15] Cadence's Dad: time's up
[09:16] Cadence's Dad: Kiss my daughter for me
[09:16] Cadence's Dad: I love you
[09:16] Cadence's Dad: see ya

My reply:

Damn it!!!! I was in a staff meeting and I missed you again!!! I hate it when that happens!

(Sigh)....I miss you....

And love you...

And want you to be home...I want to tell you to be patient when you're tailgating slow drivers...and I want to feel you hugging me from behind when I wake up in the mornings...I want to snuggle closer to you when the AC gets too cold at night...I want you to soap my back in the shower...I want you to give me one of your full body massages...I want to share the couch with you while watching t.v...I want us to spend half the day on Saturdays and Sundays just playing with Cadence on the bed...I want you to say "Mama's home!" when I get home from work and you're on the living room floor playing with Cadence...after picking her up from daycare...I want one of those nice dinners you always make throughout the week...I want to be able to make you breakfast on Saturday and Sunday Mornings...with burnt toast - just the way you like it....I just want you home...with us...

Love always,

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30