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2005-05-16 | 6:56 p.m.
<< What a day! >>


What a Monday!

Sad news...the lady who's been taking care of Cadence passed away today...heart attack...while at Daycare...apparently she died in her chair suddenly...around noon...

Bry said that everyone at Daycare was a mess...all the ladies crying...and I felt so bad...but at the same time all I could think of was that I'm glad she wasn't holding Cadence when it awful!

And to think I just saw her last week when I went to pick Cadence up...that just shows that you never know...and that's the scary part...

Anyway, my boss just told me today that I leave for Denver on June 5th...I will be staying all week until maybe Saturday morning, which is June 11th...

In a way, I'm so excited...but then again, I know I'm going to miss my little girl and Bry...

I took Friday off...I was supposed to go to Dallas with Cynthia, but as it turns out she got a job and she couldn't let that pass, of course...

So, we're thinking about going on Memorial weekend since we'll have a 3-day weekend. Hopefully it goes through. My sister sounded pretty disappointed when she found out I wasn't coming home...

So Friday, I signed up for another bank since I don't like the one we have currently...and then I went to Circuit City with Sandy...and then to Sam's to get Cadence's formula along with a few other things...

Then we went and picked up Bry (he came home from the field at around noon) and we went and had some Mexican...with some Amaretto Sour...yum...

After that, we went home...hung out...Cynthia and I watched the game...fell asleep soon after...

Saturday, I cleaned up some...then went to Regis to make a hair appointment (they were booked for the day so I had to settle for the next day)...and then we went and saw was better than I expected, I thought. As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to get the DVD when it comes out. It's really funny! I was laughing the entire time. Really cute chick flick.

After that, the girls and I went and had some drinks and appy's at Ruby Tuesday's....and then Cynthia and I went to Kicker's since she wanted to go out...Bry took care of Cadence...

Man, I love him!

Some guy came up to me and said, "You're married, aren't you?" And I said, "Yeah, why?" And he said, "Because you won't dance with anybody who asks!" And I just smiled and said yeah...

I just couldn't...some of them were saying that it's just dancing...but it doesn't matter...I just couldn't...

I myself...and whenever someone tried to get too close, I just moved away or flashed my ring...

Anyway, on Sunday Bry and I went to Home Depot and got some stuff for the yard...and we got a washer and will be delivered by Wednesday...and I'm so excited! Never thought I'd ever get excited about a washer and dryer! :-)

When we got home, we worked on the yard...we had Cadence out with us on her swing since it was beautiful out...

I trimmed the bushes and Bry put some mulch around the plants on our front looks so pretty...we'll have to add flowers, soon...and add some more mulch around the trees...

Oh, yeah...I got my hair cut yesterday as looks so cute. I think I'm going to start going to the same girl. She gave me her card. It looks exactly like I want it...

Tonight, I think I'm going to color it a lighter shade...we'll see if I'm up to it...

Okay...I'm going to go ahead and hang out with the family...

Laters taters!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30