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2005-05-05 | 4:44 p.m.
<< Denver... >>


Almost time to go home...

Counting...and waiting...15 more minutes!

Just thought I'd update really quick...

Anyway, when I got home yesterday...I felt so bad about feeling the way I do about Cynthia's situation...

She took care of Cadence all day today and didn't take her to Daycare...she is so good with her! Of course I get frustrated with her sometimes...but she will always be my friend, regardless...

She used to be "Richard's Sister", she's "MY" friend...and that's a huge change...we don't even really talk about him anymore...his name pops up once in a while...but he hasn't been the topic of conversation for a long while...

Bry doesn't even know that she's HIS sister...

It's not that I'm trying to hide it...I just think it would be a lot less awkward for him, ya know?

Anyway, I can't wait for the weekend already! It's supposed to be SUPER NICE out...

Not that I'm planning anything exciting...just that I'm hoping to get the house done by then...

Bry's parents are coming on the weekend of the 20th...and I want the house to be ready by then for them...

I'm also thinking about going next Friday (the 13th) to Dallas to help Cynthia pick up her kiddo's and to go see my mommy and sissy....and my little man...

Plus, my brother hasn't seen Cadence and he's just dying to see her...

Work's doing great...busy, but great...

My company's sending me out to Denver, Colorado in June to do some boss said I'll probably be leaving the airport on a Sunday and coming back on a Friday night or Saturday - it's a full week all in all...

I've already talked to Bry and he's all for it, of course...whatever gets me ahead. He'll, of course, take care of Cadence for the week....

I am so going to miss my little girl!

I told them I'd probably just stay at the hotel everynight and run up a phone bill... :-)

I should probably be doing some sight-seeing...but I think I'll be going by myself...

Okay...that's it for now, I think...

It's about time for me to go home!

Update more tomorrow... :-)

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30