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2005-04-19 | 9:21 p.m.
<< Lots of stuff to say tonight! >>


I remember when I used to update this thing like twice a day...and now a days, I just haven't had the chance to...and oh, how I miss it!

Sometimes I miss just spilling everything out...just writing everything...for me, writing things and reading them afterwards puts things in perspective a little better...I dunno...

I just haven't had the time lately...

So tonight, I'm making some time!

It's been a long 18 days since I last wrote in this much has happened!

On my birthday, Bry watched Cadence while Cynthia and I went was fun...there were a few guys I had to turn down and show my ring to...It's just...different...going out now compared to how it was back then...

Now I'm not so crazy...I haven't even really gotten's like there's a tiny little girl who's always in the back of my head...and it's not just me anymore...

I have so much more to lose now...

Anyway, she was sick this weekend...she gave us a scare there for a second...

She started vomitting on Saturday and we rushed her to the ER...where they stuck her like 15 times to try to start up an poor little girl...they kept her for the whole weekend...and they just released her yesterday...

Needless to say, neither Bry or I got much sleep this weekend...

While we were at the hospital, Bry mentioned something about he never thought he'd ever spend a Saturday night that way...and to tell you the truth, I never did either...I never even thought I'd ever have any kids!

But now that I do...I don't think I'd ever do things different given the chance...

I just wuv her...

Anyway, someone hit Bry's truck! We were on our way to see another 4 bedroom house when we saw this HUGE dent on the side of the car where he was about to put the baby in...

Hit and run...we don't know who did it...except that whoever it was has a midnight blue car (left-over paint that was stuck on the side of Bry's door)...

Lucky for him (or should I say us), he has full coverage and uninsured vehicle insurance...which means he only has a $200 deductible...

So...this last week hasn't been very fun...we also found out that Bryan's going back to Iraq in September...not really too happy about that...

I've been so used to having him around that I don't know what I would do without him...things are definitely going to be a lot harder, I'll tell you that much...

He's my lifter! He carries groceries in...carries Cadence in her car seat...takes out the trash...drops off the laundry...

Now, who's going to be doing all the heavy stuff?!

Not to mention how much I'm going to MISS having him around, no matter how much of a pain in the ass he can be sometimes... :-)

I still love him, regardles...

I'll have to move Cadence to a Daycare close to it'll be easier to drop her off and pick her up...

I hate that he's supposed to get out of the military in November, yet they "stop loss" him, meaning they won't let him leave until after he does another year in Iraq...

I just LOOOVE how the government works, don't you?!

I'm sorry...just being a little bitter...I hate that he's going to miss a big part of Cadence's early years...and he loves that little girl just as much as I do...

Anyway, on a lighter note...we just got a house! Well...we're renting one until he gets out of the military (whenever that will be) and move to Boston...

It's REALLY PRETTY...4 bedrooms...2 and a half baths....a place for a breakfast nook on top of a dining room...pretty spacey kitchen...2 car garage...HUGE HUGE HUGE backyard (perfect for this crazy dog we have)...with a fence...and a wooden patio...our bathroom has a separate shower from the bath tub and the tub has a separate shower all on its own...A fireplace in the living room...a vaulted ceiling in the living's GORGEOUS...

I'll have to get a Gold membership pretty soon so I can take pictures and post them up...and post pictures of Cadence as well...

Anyway, we move on the 1st! And I'm excited...that's pretty much the only good thing that's happened this week so far...everything else has been rough - you know what they say, when it rains, it pours...

As far as's been pretty busy...but I LOVE it! I'm starting to learn more about servers...fixing programs in the servers...grabbing data from data everything pretty much works from scratch...pretty cool and interesting stuff...

My company's sending me and Cynthia (my co-worker) up to Denver for some training...that should be fun...Bryan's all for it...and I am quite sure he'll take really good care of Cadence the few days that I'm gone...

Okay -- I think I've babbled on enough...I really should update this thing a lot more often...

I really missed it...

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30