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2005-04-01 | 2:06 p.m.
<< Rain, rain, go away!!! >>



The only bad part about today is that it's raining up a storm! Ugh!

Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE driving in the rain???!!!

Well, I do!

Anyway, it's only supposed to rain in the morning tomorrow...and then be sunny in the afternoons...and it's supposed to be pretty on Sunday - I hope they're right!'s my birthday tomorrow!

Don't have anything planned yet...I guess we'll see what happens...

We're supposed to look at a 4 bedroom house tomorrow morning with an above ground pool...Bry's already seen it and he loves it...we'll see what happens there, too....

Oh, and we have an appointment with Sears in the afternoon to get Cadence's pictures taken...

My pretty girl...

It's pretty slow at work today...Hmmm...what to do...what to do...

Oh, yeah....I went tanning for the very first time today, too...and I liked it...I think I'm going to go again with my co-worker Cynthia (different one) and get like 15 visits or something - plus, she gave me one of her visits today just to try it out, so I'll give her one of mine on Tuesday...

I've been trying to eat healthy lately...and have been doing pretty good so far, except for yesterday. They had pizza for the company and I just couldn't resist! Ended up devouring 2 pieces...and then for dinner, I had Bry get me some Honey Barbeque Wings from KFC and some fries...yeah, I'm a fatty, what can I tell ya?! :-)

On a good note, I still fit my pants from my pre-pregnancy days...and they're starting to fit better by the day...I hope I don't start letting myself go...days like yesterday makes me think otherwise...

Okay -- I think that's it for the day...

Happy Friday!!! :-)

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30