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2005-01-31 | 2:42 p.m.
<< My precious... >>


It feels like I haven't been on here in AGES! But in between the baby and Bryan always being on the freakin' computer playing his freakin' game, I guess I just haven't been able to...

Plus, I've been on Percocet for the first 2 weeks...trying to alleviate all that pain from the C-section...

And updating has been long overdue!

But...before I start...I just want to THANK all of you for all of the lovely notes and well-wishes! They really made me smile and feel tons better in the midst of all that pain I felt for the first 2 weeks...

I now feel 10 times better...and hope to feel a little bit better and better as each day progresses...

I have TONS of pictures of Cadence, but I haven't had a Supergold membership in those of you who are a little curious to see how she looks like, feel free to send me your e-mail addresses and I will be more than happy to e-mail them to you!

My precious little angel is growing more and more every single day...and getting more beautiful by the minute. At least I think so. :-) Sometimes I find myself just staring at her for hours...wondering how she came out so...PERFECT. I've never really been much of a child person...actually, I've told Bryan once that I never thought I'd have any kids of my own. I've always been satisfied just being an aunt. But now that she's's like I can't imagine life without her. Suddenly, everything has changed for me. Nothing else matters anymore but protecting her and making sure she's safe and healthy.

Everytime she cries, I have this huge urge to run and make everything better right away.

I just LOVE her to pieces!!!

Anyway, as far as myself...Everyday gets a little better. I was so frustrated the first week and a half that I was out of the hospital because it felt like I couldn't do ANYTHING! I was in so much pain...even walking was a task. On top of feet were SWOLLEN. I had to sleep on the couch the first week and a half as well, because our bed was way too high for me to climb on.

Thank goodness Bryan's parents and my mom came the first week to help out with Cadence...they are such a blessing...

Last Saturday...I also woke up to myself bleeding profusely. Even Bryan said it looked like a crime-scene. We rushed to the hospital where the Dr. removed blood clots (sorry, that was gross) and prescribed me some medicine to make my uterus contract so that the bleeding would slow down...

I then made an appointment for OB to do a post-partum check up on me....

As it turns out, I had some kind of bacteria growing in my uterus and they had to prescribe another medicine to knock it out...still taking the suckers...twice a day...

On a good note, I now weigh 107 lbs....7 lbs. over my pre-pregnancy weight. I still have a bulge in my tummy, however...and I find myself wondering when or IF it will EVER go away!

I'm not sure when I can start working out again - one thing I forgot to ask the Dr....I guess I can just call and ask. If any of you know, please let me know. I can't wait to get my old body back!

It has only been 3 weeks, so I know it's not anytime soon...damn it!

Oh, and I had a couple of glasses of wine last Thursday...with Bryan. We went to Olive Garden and had some pasta and wine....haven't wine in FOREVER...and it felt like HEAVEN...literally. :-)

I still have my celebration bottle sitting here...haven't opened it yet. The girls (Esmer, Cynthia, and Beannie) are supposed to come this I'm trying to save it until they get here...

And Bryan's friend, Billy, is supposed to come down as it looks like we're going to have a full house this weekend...

I can't wait! I'm in desperate need of some company! (Well, Bryan and Cadence are good company...but I miss my girls!)

Okay...I guess that's it for now...I'm gonna go ahead and get back to "my precious".... :-)

Have a good one!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30