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2004-10-06 | 9:30 a.m.
<< Getting used to things... >>


So Bryan found out the other day that he had some savings account that he knew nothing about...up until recently...when he looked at his pay statement and found out that 165 dollars of his money is directly going somewhere else. After he called his bank, he found out that it was going to a savings account which had collected about 1200 dollars so far...

Yay! Free money! Well, that's the way he sees it. This boy is worse than a girl! He spends money more than I do! And I tell him he needs to stop doing that soon, because we're going to have a baby...

Anyway, we went to the mall yesterday and he bought a pair of sneakers and a Patriots Jersey - he's a devoted Patriots fan and always tries to make me watch football with him...

I, on the other hand, just can't get into it unless I'm at a bar with alcohol in my system...and seeing as that's not going to happen anytime soon, I usually just end up getting on the computer when he's watching football and doing my own thing...

Anyway, he also bought me this cute jacket from Old's so cute, I just can't keep my eyes off it! We got a small because it still fits me...but I know it'll look cuter once Cadence is born and this ball on my stomach is gone...I bought this cute winter hat and a scarf to match it...and I bought a wide head band for my hair and a pair of silver loop earrings since I can't seem to find my old pair....Oh, and he got me a purse from the's really cute. He got it because he said he can't stand looking at my Louis Vuitton one. I personally think it's cute, but whatever, I got a new purse out of it... :-)

He also bought a bath pillow for when I take warm baths to ease this back pain that's starting to happen more frequently...

Oh, and we bought this cute pink teddy bear for Cadence. It's sooo cute! It's hugging a blanky and you turn a little knob and it starts playing a lullaby and tilting its head from side to side....

I got it out of the bag when we got home yesterday and started turning the knob...of course, once I did that, Lexi started trying to jump up and grab it, thinking it was her toy...

Bryan told her that if she even tries to chew it up, it's her ass...

Anyway, we decided yesterday that even if Cadence isn't due until January 11th...we're still going to buy Christmas stuff for her and wrap it up and put it under the tree...

So I'm now 26 weeks and counting....and as weird as this may seem, I can't wait! When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so worried about labor and how long it was going to take and how painful it's going to be...but now, I really just want to get it done and over here I am, counting the days...

The baby's starting to kick a lot. She's so active. Bryan watched the other night as she kicked my stomach up and made my shirt jump up...

He also said that he woke up to the baby kicking his back the other morning when he was sleeping with his back on my stomach...which was good, because he forgot to turn on the alarm clock and he had to go to PT....

Anyway, I guess that's enough rambling for now...I'm still trying to look for a job because I get pretty bored around the house...I don't know how that's going to play out, since I'm already starting to show and I don't know how companies might feel about hiring a pregnant woman. I know it shouldn't even matter, but we all know how it really is out there...

I applied at some Insurance Company yesterday...which is only a couple of blocks away from the apartment, which is perfect...considering I don't want to work too far out and drive too far since I'm so far along...but they don't pay that much...but then again, this town is so small there's absolutely NOTHING out here...I practically have to drive almost an hour to Nashville to get a decent paying job...

(Sigh) I miss Dallas!

The girls from the place I went to yesterday looked surprised when they found out I was pregnant. Personally, they shouldn't have been so surprised considering I feel like a big, fat, blob! But they started saying, "Man, you're tiny for 6 months! I was huge when I was 6 months!" The other girl then started saying how I make her sick, but in a playful kind of tone...

It still doesn't change the fact that I feel heavy all the time...and that I've gained 17 pounds since I got pregnant. I now weigh 117 pounds. I have NEVER EVER EVER weighed that much in my whole entire life. I tell Bryan that all the time, and he then proceeds to say that I've never been pregnant before, either...

Is it January yet???

On the bright side...2 more weeks before we go to Dallas for my first baby shower! I'm so psyched! I can't wait to see my mom...and my sister...and my girls...I really do miss them...

Then in November, off to Boston we go for our second baby shower...

Okay, I'm going to go take a shower...and then go to the store to buy a few stuff...

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30