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2004-05-05 | 4:45 p.m.
<< New morning routine? >>


Is it time to go yet???

Haven't really been doing much of anything lately...just talking to Bryan at nights...we have developed this pattern of talking after nine (free minutes, baby!) and talking for an hour or two...

He's such a dork...he really does make me laugh...he said that when I go over there on the 14th, he's gonna treat me like royalty so I won't ever want to leave...everytime he mentions about my trip over there, he says "when you come home"....

Anyway...I tried to wake up at 6 yesterday (I normally wake up at 7) to go work out...and I just COULDN'T...I'm sooo not a morning person - I'm the type of person who comes in the morning and mumbles a quick "Hmmm" when someone tells me "Good Morning"....

Do not speak to me until after lunch!

So Bryan made fun of me...Cynthia made fun of me...and Paula made fun of me...because I was telling them the other night about how I was going to start waking up an hour earlier each day and going to the gym at my apartments and working out for an hour...

And I ended up not doing it yesterday...

So then I told them last night that I was going to try again...

And...YAY!!! I did it this morning!!! And it felt GOOD. Usually I'm lugging around in the morning...and then towards the last 15 minutes I start rushing...wondering where the time went...when I've probably spent a good half-hour of it staring at nothing...still half-asleep...

But this morning...I went to work out...came back...took a shower...put some bagels in the oven for me and Cindy (we car pool now) ready...ate...and left just in time...

I think I'm gonna try to do that again tomorrow...

Plus, I haven't had time to work out when I get off least this way, I can get it out of the way in the mornings already...

So...that's about all I have today...

Happy Hump Day!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30