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2004-04-12 | 4:19 p.m.
<< Continuation... >>


Good afternoon! It's almost time to get outta here...yay!!!

Anyway, where was I went I had to cut it short???

Oh, talk with Chizzles...

So, do you think that there are any decent guys out there? I'd like to be optimistic and say that there are...but then there's this little part of me...the part that's been hurt way too many times...the cautious part...that's doubting it...

And for her sake...and mine...I hope my cautious part is wrong...

Anyway, Saturday I took care of my little man again...I changed a poopie diaper (Phew!)...cleaned the apartment...watched movies with Chizzles, Bino, and Ralph...and then that night I went out...

David was in town from Austin, so we went to 2009...which is okay. I only drank ONE - I repeat, ONE Smirnoff, ladies and gentlemen....and I am soooo proud of myself! The rest of the time I was out on the dancefloor shakin' my butt off....

Danced with David...and when we left the club, he kind'a hugged me and rubbed on my arms to keep me warm...Brrr...I was SUPER COLD! So...that was really nice of him...

We're just friends, though...just to set the records straight. I think he's a really nice guy...and I used to have a big crush on him...BUT...and this is a big BUT...he's my brother-in-law's brother...and I don't really like his family very much (meaning his mom, dad, and brothers...his sister's okay, I really don't mind her...but then again, I don't really see her that often either to really know her)...Plus, he has a girlfriend now...

Which, brings it back to the topic I was discussing with Chizzles...I always thought David was one of the few good guys out there...but, what was he doing hugging me and rubbing on my arms if he had a girlfriend?!

He sent me an instant message this morning, but I was chatting with Bryan...and I didn't get to reply on time, and he had already went to work by the time I got a chance to...

I felt bad about that, but then again...he has a girlfriend, ya know what I mean? I've met her before, and I really don't like her, either...I dunno...I was gettin' weird vibes from, she has this "jealous streak" in her...always looking at me...and she's very....clingy....

Anyway, Sunday I just watched "Scarface" at home (meet my little friend)...and then I went to my mom's and cleaned and got some more of my stuff...and then went back to my apartment and unloaded...talked to Bryan for a while...watched t.v....did some excercises for my abs...and then fell asleep...all by my apartment...for the first time since Wednesday (there's been people over ever since, can you imagine?!)....

Anyway, that's really it for now...

I'll post my little conversation with Bryan, only because I think it's too cute...

"Latah" :-)

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30