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2004-03-18 | 4:40 p.m.
<< Road Trip, Anyone? >>


Happy Thursday!!!

Today would be counted as my Friday since I'm off tomorrow...

And maybe it's just me...but today has been DRAGGIN'!!!

And to think...I still have so many things to do after I get off work. I have to go to my mom's job -- maybe I might have forgotten to mention that I started working for my mom about 2 hours a day for 100 dollars a week...just filing...invoicing...stuff like that. Nothing hard, really. And that's a pretty good chunk of change in return for a couple of hours of my precious time a day -- well...I have to drop by there to drop off the invoices I was working on last night on my mom's lap top while I was doing laundry...

After that task, I still have to go home and pack...and then pick up Cindy at her apartment...and then meet up with Paula at hers...we're taking her car due to the fact that her car's smaller...therefore uses less gas...and fills up with a mere 12 bucks or so...

Perfect for a long 12 hour drive...

However, we have made a pact that when we go to San Antonio towards the end of April...which will only be about a 3 to 4 hour drive...we will then take my car so that we can cruise my Silver Bullet around...

I'm excited.'s just Kentucky. I mean, what's in Kentucky?! But the thing is...I've never been there before! And that's all that matters. On top of that, we're staying at Sandy's...she's right on the military base...and she has this whole agenda planned out for us for the weekend...which is pretty cool...

They're throwing a party on Friday night...Saturday morning, probaby go horseback riding (I don't know how, but I'll try anything at least once)...Saturday night, we're supposed to go to some club that has like 5 different rooms playing 5 different music...that should be cool...

So...I guess we'll see what happens...

Plus, it's a road trip with the girls...that should be fun all on its own...I can just imagine...driving down an open rolled wind blowing through my hair...


Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30