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2003-10-02 | 10:03 a.m.
<< Crazy Nasty Jealous Feeling... >>


Man...I'm tired!

I was just supposed to go to Hooters with the girls after my kickboxing class for Paula's birthday...that was the plan...but once you're out...I guess you just want to stay out... :-)

We ended up going to Have a Nice Day Cafe after Hooter's...and had a pretty good time...

Guess who was there?! Nelson!

That was a complete surprise to me...

I was just at the bar...talking to Cindy and acting a goof...when I turned around and bam...there he was. Damn, he's gorgeous.

I so did not expect him to be there! He gave me a hug and I asked him, "What the hell are you doing here?" And he said, "What the hell are YOU doing here?!" LOL...yup...surprises, surprises....

I didn't hang out with him, of course. We're at a club...he's with his boys...I'm with my's alone time now....

But everytime I would see a girl come up to him, I had this nasty crazy jealous feeling in the pit of my stomach...and I hate that feeling! And it's not like I was trying to spy on him (I seriously wasn't! I think...) but I just couldn't help but look his way...and it's like I had this radar as to where he is exactly...

I started dancing with this really cute guy (not as cute as him, of course...but he looked good regardless) and I would see Nelson look at me...and I couldn't look him in the eye...I had to look away...

And he looked mad...

I told Cindy, "Does he look mad to you?" And she looks over there and says, "Yup! He looks pretty mad." I don't know if he really was or if he just looked it...but somewhere in me was this hope that he was feeling the same nasty crazy jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach....

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30