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2005-10-21 | 11:53 a.m.
<< Hate... >>


Hi honey...

I'm so bummed I missed you again yesterday!

I got on the computer as soon as I got home, hoping you'd be on...and pretty much waited until 9...just waiting...but I guess you're not working night shifts anymore?

(Sigh)...I miss you...

So I had a rough day yesterday...really wanted to talk to you...

They did construction down 24 I was trying to hurry to pick up Cadence on time once I passed all the traffic...and all these damn slow people were blocking the left lane. This one guy in particular really pissed me off...because he was literally just CRUISING down that lane...going 70...on the left slow as the truck beside him...and once I was able to pass him, I went to the right lane to try to do that and boom - cop. So...I got a speeding ticket for the first time since I was like 18...this would be my 2nd speeding ticket in my whole entire driving life...pretty much sucks.

But the good thing about that is that since I haven't had any moving violations for more than 3 years, I can just apply for the defensive driving and it'll be off my record!

So...I downloaded a form online to send to Texas to request a certified driving record to send to the Springfield (that's where I got the ticket - off Exit 24, I think) Court and send in a money order of 40 bucks for the defensive driving thing...

(Sigh)...this sucks. You know what I was thinking yesterday was...what if this traffic lasted longer and I wouldn't have been able to pick her up in time?! I couldn't call anyone to simply ask if they can pick her up. :-( This really sucks, baby. It sucks that I have no one else to rely just plain sucks. And all the while I kept thinking that had you been here, I wouldn't even have to worry about this because you would have picked up Cadence...

Anyway, so Cadence finally slept through the night last night...and I was able to get some sleep after a few days...that was nice. I'm hoping she'd do the same tonight. :-)

I really wanted to talk to you last night, baby...just to vent...and tell you all my much I'm missing you. How much I hated everything around me yesterday...and pretty much still do. At this point, you and Cadence are the only ones that's keeping me going...

I hate this damn place, and their ignorant, slow ass drivers...I hate how they do construction during rush hour and close down all but one lane...I hate the military for sending you over there when you're supposed to be getting out by November...I hate that my family and friends are so far from me...I hate that I have to drive an hour and a half to work and back...I hate that Cadence is in daycare from 5:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon...I hate that I only get to spend about an hour with her 5 days out of the week...I hate, hate, hate...

(Sigh)...Anyway...on top of all that hate, I still love you and Cadence...

I miss you, baby...can't wait to talk to ya...


Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30