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2005-09-25 | 10:01 p.m.
<< Getting better...sometimes... >>


My sister's been here all weekend...but she leaves tomorrow... :-(

So this past week has been better...I think I've only broken down one day this week...

Not sure how it's going to be once my sister leaves, though...I'll be okay...hopefully...

My mother was here last weekend...and then now my sister's we'll see how next weekend will turn out...with just me and Cadence...

So the FRG meeting was last Tuesday...they didn't tell me anything I didn't already know from Bry, though...he's been so good at keeping in touch with me...e-mailing me almost every day and calling me every other day...sometimes every day...

I tell him what's going on...if there's anything that I need his advice him updates on Cadence...he's been so good at trying to help me even with him so far away...sigh...I love him...I really do...and I'll be the happiest girl in the world when he comes home...

So, anyway...after the meeting, Danielle and I went to Olive Garden...I guess having both our husbands away gives us a common ground...and then we can talk about how miserable we are without them...

We had the never ending pasta bowl...only had ONE bowl and couldn't even take advantage of it...didn't even finish the stuff although I REALLY wanted to...

Anyway, my sister got here on Wednesday night...and we've pretty much been hanging out...

We went to a Chinese Buffet on Thursday...and wouldn't you know, my tummy started hurting before I even finished one there goes that, too...wrong timing...

Anyway, we've pretty much been just staying in...running errands...I bought a few things to send to Bry...

Last night Beannie made some margarita's and we had that and chips and salsa...watched movies...

Today, I've been in a cleaning frenzy...I think I'm starting to be a little OCD about the whole cleaning drives me mad when I see something out of place...or when I see little crumbs, here comes the hand vacuum cleaner...

Danielle commented on how Ray wants babies...and I told her I'm pretty sure he'll want one as soon as he gets home...and she said she's fine with that...she just didn't want one now knowing that he'll be away...and she said hats off to me for being able to do it...managing Cadence...with Bry away...all by myself...

And to tell you the truth, I think she's the only thing who's keeping me sane right now...had she not been here, I don't know what I would do...probably cry myself to sleep every night...but every time I see that little girl...every time she hugs me or gives me her open-mouthed's just the best thing ever...and it makes me forget just for a moment how miserable I am without her daddy...

She's the only thing that keeps me going right now...and I'm glad I have her...

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30