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2004-07-01 | 4:41 p.m.
<< Week's Worth of Recap... >>


It's really nice to finally be able to BREATHE....MmmMmmm....

I have been so overloaded with work this week it just completely SUCKED!

I didn't even have a chance to check my e-mails yesterday! (Well...the yahoo one...)

Anyway, I have a feeling that from this day will be smooth sailing from here until my last day of work on the 9th - which is next Friday...

Yes, that's right. I put in my two week notice this Tuesday...and since then, every one has been wanting to talk to me about why I'm leaving, and why can't I stay...and how different it's going to be without me...

It made me feel appreciated...and I never thought I was...and now that I think about it, that was really silly of me to think...

So...I'm moving to Kentucky with Bry in two weeks. He wanted to come and get me this weekend, but I can't do that to my job. I promised them I'll stay until the 9th and there's no way I'm going back on my word. Even if it means driving the whole 12 hours by myself...Plus, I need more time than that to pack and get everything ready! One weekend is just not enough time...

Oh, yeah...another big news:

We got married this past Friday....

It was just through the court and it had to be done because we needed to get the paperwork ready so I can get out of my lease here...and get myself into the military system over there so I'll be covered under his insurance when I leave my job...

I'm leaving my job. I just got married. I am moving out of State. Away from my mom. Away from my sister. Away from my friends. All in all....I am leaving my COMFORT ZONE.

And into something completely unfamiliar....

And I'm scared sh*tless!

Never mind that there's another human being developing inside me and that all on its own is scary enough...

This is madness!

Anyway, I met his parents last week, too....

All in all I was in Kentucky from Wednesday through Sunday....the parents drove back to boston on Friday, which gave Bry and I some alone time to ourselves for the weekend, which is nice...

I mean, they stayed at a hotel so everynight was alone time, too...but I guess it was just the fact that I'm meeting them for the first time - as his son's wife - that just put all the pressure on me....

Like...they had to like me or something...and I had to at least try...

On top of that, I know that his mom is friends with his ex-girlfriend...and that just adds on to the pressure.

I kept thinking what she was thinking at the moment...if she wishes it was her standing there instead of know, something like that...

And Bry said that his parents told him that they really like me....but do they, really? I guess I just have to stop being paranoid about everything, but I can't help it.

Everything is happening to fast...too soon.

So...when I got there on Wednesday, we went to get our rings. We got them from Friedman's. Mine is a 1/2 carat bridal set in white gold. And it's PERFECT. I can't stress out enough how much I love it. Bryan said he's going to add on to the carats every year, but I like it just the way it is...

Here's a resemblance of it....I can't find the exact picture, so I guess it'll have to do. It looks almost like this except the middle stone is rounder and there are square stones after the two smaller ones on each side...but other than that, it's my ring!

Anyway, I saw a picture of his ex girlfriend (by accident)...I was looking at this photo album he had of pictures taken at his "Welcome Home" party when he got back from Iraq...and she happened to be in one of the pictures. He apologized profusely and told me he didn't realize it was still there...took the picture and threw it away. And I didn't even ask him to do that.

I mean, I don't care. I do...but I'm not mad. He's going to have a past, just like I'm going to have a past. And I'm not mad because of that. If anything, I know it's her that should be mad. Even though I didn't know her, I feel bad about what happened because well...I've been in her shoes before, and it sucks! And I really am sorry., I'm not mad. And if I happen to meet her in the future, I will be nice. I will be polite. I'm not so sure she'll be the same with me, but that's the best I can do.

So...his parents want us to visit them in Boston in 3 weeks. Reason being is that his brother rented a Cabin at the Cape and it looks like they are all going to be there. And Bryan had already told his brother he would be there so that the boys could go fishing together - meaning him, his brother, and his dad. That's cute. And I don't want him to miss that opportunity.

So when I move to Kentucky in 2 weeks, I have a week to get settled and on with the road trip to Boston.

I wonder how that'll be....

I guess we'll see, huh....

Anyway, everyone's taking me to lunch tomorrow for Sushi (Yum!!!)....I had some when his parents took us to a Japanese place last week, and they all looked at me like I was weird.

I'm not weird! Sushi happens to be one of the best things in the world! Well, in my opinion. And to me, that's all that matters!

They asked if what I was eating wasn't making me feel sick, and I said, "No, it's really good." Actually, the smell of what they were eating was making me feel sick. It was just steak, chicken, and fried rice...all cooked in front of us by some Korean cook (If he's not Korean, then he's Japanese...but he's one of those) doing all sourts of cool tricks. The tricks were entertaining, but the smell was gross.

But that could just be my pregnant self talking....

Okay, I think I've rambled enough for the day...I'm sure I missed a lot more stuff that I should have talked about, but I can't remember them now for the life of me...

I'll add on as I go... :-)

Happy Thursday!!!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30