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2004-05-07 | 5:13 p.m.
<< Ranting and Raving... >>


Happy Friday!!! went by so fast...actually, this week went by so fast! Hmmm...maybe I need to keep busy more often, that way the weekends can get here faster... :-)

I dunno if I'm doing anything tonight...I was thinking about going to go work out for about an hour after I watch my t.v. shows...Hmmm...I dunno...I guess we'll see...

I did work on my abs this morning...but I didn't have time to do any cardio...I chose to sleep in a little later today...figured I can make it up either tonight or tomorrow morning...

I was also thinking about going to the movies tonight...I'll have to ask the girls if they would want to do something like that...not really much in the mood for going out tonight. Plus, we have to wake up early cause I think we're going camping tomorrow morning...which means if I'm gonna go work out, I have to wake up an hour earlier than everybody else...

But I CAN DO IT!!! (Let's hope..hehehe)

Bry's gonna have some drinks with friends at his place tonight...and then he said that they're all going to the movies (Yeah, I got the movie idea from him - haven't been to one since Passion of Christ, I think)...

I told him not to see "Troy"...It really doesn't come out until the 14th, but they're showing it on the Military Base a week early...and he had already promised me that we're gonna go see it when I get there next Friday - so "Troy" is OFF LIMITS for him! He said a bunch of his friends are telling him to go see it, too...but he said "no" cause he already promised he'll take me...he better keep it, too!

So I went to my mom's for lunch today...I've been going over there a lot for lunch recently because...well...since I moved out, that's just about the only time I get to see my Mom...with her schedule and mine conflicting sometimes...

But lately she's been making me lunch and we would chat about stuff that's going on...

Let me tell mother might drive me insane sometimes, but I really do love that woman...

So my Sissy, her "loser" husband, and my little man were there today, soon as I got home (weird how I still think of my mom's as "home" - and I don't even think about just comes out), I heard PJ's voice...and I said, "Where's my baby?!" And he gasped and started running towards me...little legs and all...he's too cute...

My sister, on the other hand, I feel sorry for. Why? Because she has to put up with so much crap from her husband. And I's not like she "has to" put up with it...but she does, anyway...and it just pisses me off...

I hate seeing her counting ALL her money by the dollar just to pay off ALL their bills...while he just spends ALL of his money on "who-knows-what"....Her last paycheck went to Rent (she says he paid it...but I know different) and the babysitter (which is his mom, by the way...who charges them to take care of her own grand son)...and then this check went towards their car payment, which HE'S driving...and their Electric Bill...

They get paid the same amount...yet SHE'S the one paying ALL the freakin' bills?! And as soon as she gets the's all gone because she's doing it all by herself! It just really pisses me off...he's such a freakin' LOSER...

Why does she put up with that?! WHY???

She's pretty...she's smart...and I know damn well that she can make it out there on her WHY?! That's all I keep asking...I've told her enough times and she still doesn't listen...and I think I'm just about done telling her...

She's letting him get away with murder and I don't think it's right...

Tell me why I bought the baby diapers this weekend because she didn't have any money left...and then when we went to the Car Show we see HIM there...drinking LOTS of beer which costs about 4 bucks each...and he was just drinking them one after another after another...

He said his friends paid for it all...and in my mind, I'm like "Well..GOOD...why don't you use that money to buy your son some diapers and pay your half of the freakin' bills?!"

Ugh...I just hate seeing my sister like that...I hate seeing her being taken advantage of...but I guess if she's letting him get away with it, then there's nothing else I can do...

I just wish she'd open her eyes and see for herself that he's just bringing her down...and that sooner or later...she won't have anything because of him...

If she's doing this for the baby, then she's going about it the wrong way...because the baby doesn't need a father like that...irresponsible...selfish...she should see that neither her or the baby need that...


Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30