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2004-03-23 | 10:10 a.m.
<< Military boys... >>


Man...I feel so out of it today...more so than I did yesterday...

And I actually got a good 8 hour sleep last night...

Hmmm...maybe that's body wasn't used to sleep anymore... :-)

So...last night...I had the urge to call Pete...and I did...and let it ring twice and then decided against it and hung up...

I started thinking...what for?! He lives all the way over there...long distance things never work out, anyway...might as well move on and get over it...

So it was a great night. So what?! Why go through all the trouble of coming up with ways to see each other? With more than 1200 miles of distance...why bother?!

And then there's Bryan...he's another sweetie...and we can talk forever as well...I actually just finished talking to him on the phone right now...

He's on his way to the dentist and it's so cute, because he's telling me how scared he is of dentists...ever since he was a little boy...

He was like, "Yeah, it's ridiculous...I can jump off helicopters and go to war, but I can't sit still in a dentist's office." -- cute...

Why can't I find boys like these here? Maybe the only reason why I took the time to get to know them is BECAUSE they live way over there...who knows? Maybe if they lived here, I would be too scared to get to know them, like how I wimp out on the boys over here and diss them...

Yeah, I've got issues...

Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and get back to work...

Off to a meeting in 10 minutes!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30