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2004-03-15 | 4:48 p.m.
<< Bad Girl! >>


(Sigh) The day's ALMOST over...and it can't come soon enough...

It really hasn't been THAT BAD...I just like to complain on Monday's...I think it has become a habit of mine... :-)

So...let's did my weekend go? It was okay, for the most part...I must admit, I've been a bad girl (not like that) but right now, I feel "thislittle"...I feel like the scum of the earth...I feel low and dirty and I'm not liking myself very much...

The explanation for this will come later...and then you will understand why I'm being so harsh on myself...if you were in my shoes, you'll be harsh on me, too...

Anyway, Friday night I was a very good girl. I didn't really do anything. I stayed home and watched movies...that's it...good-girl...

Saturday morning, I looked at some other apartments with Beannie and ended up liking those, plus I get to be neighbors with my Sissy...which is a HUGE plus (I don't mind living BY long as I don't live WITH HER...catch my drift?). I mean, I LOOOOVE her to death, but I can't stand being in the same room with her husband. He just really disgusts me...he gets on my nerves...and I hate the way he treats her...

Having her live closeby can help me keep an eye on her AND I won't have to share the same roof with her...which, to me, sounds like A PLAN.

Anyway, I tried to break down the news to the apartments I was originally going to get...but they're still trying to convince me to stay with them...and I'm sooo bad at trying to make excuses as to why I've changed my I'm going to have to call them again tomorrow and try again...

Maybe I shouldn't have jumped into this whole thing so soon...that's one BAD thing about me...I'm so impatient, and I always jump into things without thinking on it first...I'm trying to change that, too... (Apparently it's not working well enough)

So...Saturday night...the bad girl came out. And I'm really not too proud of myself right now. I feel so guilty. I'm a baaad baaad person!!!

First of all, I dissed Richie...I told him Friday night that I was going to go out with to the movies and a nice dinner or something...and I totally copped out the last minute...couldn't even call the poor guy...

But I didn't feel like going on a freakin' date! I don't know...maybe it's just him...or maybe it's the thought of the whole uncomfortable thing...and no girls to back me up...just me and this guy that I don't really know that well...

I just freaked...

So I finally called him at 10 p.m. and apologized and told him something came up (Used Cynthia as an excuse) and that I wasn't going to be able to go...

Instead, I went out with the girls...'s the bad part...

The owner at Los Lupes gave me money for drinks for me and the girls and go to the bar and see if the bartenders will hook us up and by how much...

I feel like such a sell out!

I can't believe I did that...for what?! For freakin' alcohol?! Granted, they are stealing money from the place...and that is supposed to be profit...but they're hooking "US" up and giving us "THE SERVICE" we didn't think this drink tasted right, they'd throw it away and just GIVE us a new one...which they twice...for what's supposed to be twelve dollar martini's...all in all, we ordered like 13 beers...a crown and coke, 2 Amaretto sours, 2 martini's (not counting the ones they threw away), and 5 shots of Tuaca (All these drinks are for five people, by the way...we're not THAT BAD!) for a measley 28 bucks....I opened up a tab...and they only charged me TWENTY-EIGHT freakin' bucks for all of those drinks!

And I HAD to tell the owner, because he was behind the whole ordeal...UGH...I feel like straight up shit all over again...

This is what they get for being cool with me and my friends?!

Paula said that it's not that they're really hooking US up...they're probably more like hooking THEMSELVES up...trying to get the HOOK-UP with us...ya know? But still...they were really cool as h*ll...

And then she also said that she's pretty sure they don't do it just for us...that they probably do it for a lot of other people, too...otherwise the owner wouldn't have caught on to it and make us do the dirty job...because, well...we haven't even been there in like 3 or so weeks...

Okay, I'm just trying to make myself feel a little better, but it's not working...


Anyway...Sunday I just had brunch with the girls at this Mexican Restaurant...and then we went to the movies to see the Passion of Christ (Yeah, I see this movie after I acted like Judas on Saturday night)... :-(

Anyway, I give two thumbs up for the movie...I cried the entire time...but it's really...really...good...So I'll have to buy the DVD when it comes out...

Anyway...I told myself I am NEVER going to do that again (back to the sell out thing)...even if the owner makes us do it again, I'll have to turn him down this time around...because I just can't bear this guilt...and Oh, I feel so GUILTY!

Okay...enough about that...I can't change the past...I can only learn from it... :-)

I talked to Luis (Nelson's friend) yesterday...and we were just BS'in' back and forth...he said, "You'll have to take me for drinks" and I said, "Ummm...I think YOU'RE MISTAKEN. You'll have to take ME for drinks." Then he says, "I don't have to do that. I'm not Nelson!" And I said, "But Nelson and I are just friends!" And he said, "So you say, I know better." And I said, "Well, it's not gonna happen again. We're really just friends this time around." And the dumb a** said, "You better!"

What the h*ll was THAT all about?!

Okay, next topic...I just have to write this part...because it makes me laugh just thinking about it...

When we were on the way to the movies, Paula was in another car while Cindy and I were in Cindy's car (following each other)...and we were on a 3-lane road when we hit a red light...Cindy and I in the middle...Paula on our right...and some nameless man on our left...I was in the passenger seat (of course) and I roll down my window and start licking my lips at Paula (seductive-like) and blowing kisses at her...she starts laughing and I look to my left and this nameless man in some red truck was just STARING at STARING all turned on by the whole was sooo FUNNY! Cindy and I just started crackin' up...

Okay...I'm gonna go...still need to finish up some stuff...


Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30