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2004-01-28 | 4:49 p.m.
<< My F'ed Up Life.... >>


I'm so ready to get outta here, it's not even funny! I don't even feel like working anymore...

This irritating thing happened at work today...had something to do with Stacy (Actually, every time something irritating happens at work, it ALWAYS has something to do with her! Go figure...I'm just glad that she doesn't sit by me anymore...thus, eliminating any kind of reason to have to talk to her...And it's not just me being mean,'s me being fed up with her...) Anyway, they're taking back the exceptions report come February 1st. And all along...I "thought" they already took it right after I trained Bob in December. Well....come to find out...he hasn't been doing it. Why? I'm pretty sure it's because he didn't have enough training time with me. I told her that. And she always had some kind of excuse to keep him at her desk. Agh! This girl drives me crazy...and we're not even on the same team anymore! Anyway...her Supervisor calls me (who happens to be my old supervisor...who happens to favor her...and I don't even know why....if she sees right through her lies and BS...she sure as hell doesn't show it)...and tells me that they're taking this report back by the 1st of February...but I have to have it completed and updated. is Wednesday....this means I have to have a month's worth of reports (which should have been outta my hands by December) to catch up on....along with my QA numbers by the end of this month! I told Robert about it...and he sent her an e-mail telling her that we were under the impression that Jeremy has been updating it all along....and that we'll have it to her by next Wednesday...but we have our QA numbers still to meet and won't have it ready by Monday....

She just makes me so mad! She is very irritating. She's one of those people who will be nice to you in front of your face...but watch out...because she always has something nasty to say about everyone behind their backs...even if she has to make up a few stories...

Anyway...enough about her!!! I'm getting more and more irritated by the minute just thinking about it....

So...on to another less irritating topic...

Remember the guy I met on Saturday? No...not the annoying one...but the one I spent Sunday night with as well...watching "Good Will Hunting"...

Well, I've been talking to him on the phone for the past couple of days...and e-mailing and stuff....but I dunno...

This weekend he seemed incredibly sweet...but on the phone he seems so...aloof. We come across these uncomfortable silence every now and then throughout the conversation...and it feels like I have to fill in the gap every single time....he says he just doesn't like talking on the phone much...because he can't see my expression...but I dunno...

This is exactly why I said I didn't like's just sooo damned uncomfortable! This whole getting-to-know-you stage....the whole uncomfortable silence thing...trying to figure out what to say next just to fill that gap...and then you're worried cause you might have said something stupid...or just plain annoying...and then telling yourself, "Who cares?!" But deep do...because you don't want to put yourself out there as an annoying girl who babbles too much about nonsense.... what I'm doing now... :-)

Oh, yeah...another thing...Dennis (Remember the bouncer) has been calling me a lot lately...and I guess I just haven't been in the mood...and I know I've been putting him off...he even tried to make an effort to come see me...and I totally blew him off and told him I was already sleeping...when he was already closeby....

What is wrong with me?! Why won't I give anyone a chance?!

Well...I know why....and I need to stop...but for some reason, I just can't help it...

I want someone who's already committed to someone else...and someone else who can't commit to just one person...

Yes, this is my life...

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30