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2003-11-09 | 11:19 p.m.
<< Fall Formal... >>

"November 7, 1998

....This is the moment I have taken so much time and money for. Here comes the moment I've been talking about for weeks. And oh, was it worth it! Taking the time to pick out just the right dress, I went to the mall with my two best friends to help me choose the perfect one for me. Finally, I settled on a silver and black dress that looked absolutely stunning! The day of the long awaited occasion, one of my best friends, Karen and I went to a beauty salon and got our hair done. Then I went home and got dressed and waited for my boyfriend to pick me up. While I was just finishing, the doorbell rang and as I opened the door, there he was, the guy of my life. He stared at me as if he had never seen such as thing before. He looked at me from head to toe with admiration in his eyes and a wide smile on his lips. Over and over, he told me how beautiful I looked and the compliment alone sent shivers up my spine from happiness and excitement. From there we went to meet Karen and her boyfriend at her house. After that, we went to her boyfriend's house and took some pictures. Finally, after a while, we went on to the long-awaited Fall Formal. The whole place was incredible and although the dance floor was full, we still managed to find a place just for us wherein we slowdanced the whole night through. He treated me like a princess and made me feel special as he always does. My friends made us laugh and tons of pictures of the four of us were taken. After the dance, all four of us went to Denny's not wanting to go home and end the night. There we laughed some more and I've never felt so good. The night turned out just as I expected. I wanted it all to be perfect. I wanted to make it a memory which will last a lifetime and that's exactly how it all turned out, just like a modern fairytale...."

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30