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2003-10-04 | 6:56 p.m.
<< My Saturday Night... >>


Today was another lazy Sunday...I should've worked out to clear my head...but I didn't...I just stayed on the couch and watched "The Fast and the Furious" and "2 Fast 2 Furious" back to back...lazy, lazy...I even thought about going to the park to do some rollerblading...but it rained the better half of the day...and the sun barely came up about an hour I decided against that, too...

All in all I just chilled...and relaxed with Cindy and the kiddo's...

Last night, though....last night was okay, I guess...I had fun...but there was still something...and I can't pinpoint exactly what it is...

We went to Ambrose's was cool. Rufus and Chris came and picked me up...and it was weird at first...since I was the only girl who went with them...and then I didn't know anyone but Rufus, Chris, and Ambrose at the party...Rufus and I finally just went into the studio for a little bit while he ate....and then I saw Juanita and met her friend Erica...they were pretty I hung out with them...

I told Ambrose that I didn't think there were any liquor in that punch that they made...and he said, "tell me that after a few 'cause we put a lot in there." And he was right. After a few glasses....I was feeling the heat in my cheeks...and probably acting a fool...

We went to another party after that...and guess who was there?! Yup! Nelson...AGAIN! I was telling Cindy...that I have been going out all these years...and hardly ever bumped into him...and now this is twice in one week! Even his friend Mario had made that comment. The place was packed...and there were some minors in there (I sound so old!)...and it reminded me of a few years back...with my crew...throwing one of my own parties...and yelling "cops!" when it gets busted... :-)

Nelson tried to trick me...having one of his friends try to talk to me and see what I'd do while he hides behind a wall...then he comes over and hugs me from behind while I was talking to Rufus and Juanita...

Anyway, I'll continue this in a little bit...I'm gonna go take Cindy to drop off Bri at her grandpa's...

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30