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2004-02-18 | 5:16 p.m.
<< All of me... >>


I just finished talking to SBC right now (for my residential line) and MAN! They are a MAJOR PAIN THE THE A** to deal with!!! No wonder these customers are already upset and screaming their guts out by the time we take their call for voicemail! Who wouldn't get upset dealing with these freakin' SBC Reps?!!! Ugh. I don't like SBC...and I don't care if they're our biggest freakin' account! I don't like the way they deal with their customers, first of all...and then they stick you with all kinds of hidden charges, it's UNBELIEVABLE!

Anyway...enough about that...I'm all riled up now...and I need a DRINK! But we cancelled girls night out until tomorrow...because Cindy can't go on both we had to choose...and it'll be a lot cheaper if we go tomorrow...

Don't get me wrong, wings are good and all...but 3 dollar margaritas can beat that anytime! And FREE chips and queso....

Anyway, worked out again last night...feelin' pretty good...I think I'm gonna go again tonight - Uh-oh, go me!!!

I had an urge to write some stuff today...I'm sure it's one of those analyzing things I do all the time, but I can't remember what it's all about now, for the life of me...

And I couldn't get on here and rant about it today, because...well...sup was here from Denver, remember?

Yup...he's here for another week...which is cool...he's a pretty cool supervisor. He's gettin' us pizza for lunch tomorrow (Yum!)...

Oh...and I talked to Little Lori today...she's still in Cali...she sounds really lonely...and I can tell she misses the old times...Our "Crew"...our was fun! But then everyone went their own seperate always...and then before you know it, you hardly even talk anymore...all because of a guy....whoever said, "Chicks before Dicks" is lyin' off their asses...because girls tend to give away all of them to a man...and before you know it, there's nothing left for anyone else...and they're left broken and lost...without their spirit...without their pride...

It's a sad thing to think about, I know...but maybe that's why I can't seem to settle down right now. I'm so scared of being that girl. The girl who always gives in....who always stays up all night waiting for their guy to come home...the girl who doesn't have anything left of her...who can't speak up for herself because she's so scared to lose this one person she values the most...

Yeah...I used to be that girl...and the thought of going back to being that person scares the hell out of me...

Maybe that's why I can be such a bitch sometimes...because I don't want to let any guy walk all over little hint of it and I get this attitude...and then I get mad at my friends when they take crap like that...just because I know how stupid they're making themselves look...and I know I shouldn't even do that...because...hey, I've been there...done that...but that's the freakin' point! I've been there! And I know that no matter what you do...they can always leave you if they want to...and there's nothing you can do to hold them down...and if you give them EVERYTHING...ALL OF YOU....and not speak for yourself when you know they're wrong...or they're DOING YOU WRONG...All of your pride and self esteem will just go away until you're not yourself anymore...and when they leave, you won't have ANYONE - NOT EVEN YOURSELF!

Does that make much sense?!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30