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2004-01-26 | 5:03 p.m.
<< Oooh-la-la... >>


Today was excruciating! Four more days to go....Agh! :-(

This weekend went by much too fast...why can't today go just as fast?! Oh, more hour to I really can't complain, right? I guess it's time to write a recap on my too short of a weekend...

Friday night...we just hung out at Esmer' was her birthday...and she had some people went...

I was running kind'a late (when am I not?)...but this time it wasn't my fault! Really! I had to hurry Beannie and Chizzles up...and by 11:30...Esmer calls and says, "I'm looking for one of my best friends...she's supposed to be here by now, but she's not here yet. Have you, by any chance, seen her?" And I said, "Ummm...Nope. I think she's lost."

Anyway, I went through her set of pictures (She can't find one of the rolls, by the way...and I was so looking forward to seeing that one, too)...and I got her negatives and made copies on Saturday...

Too, too cute! The only thing is that there were some pictures that I saw in her album that wasn't in the set of negatives that she gave I told her to look for them because well...I WANT THEM!

Anyway, we discovered a new drink...better than the regular Smirnoff''s called Smirnoff Twist - Green Apple....YUMMY! It tastes just like a green apple Jolly Rancher...

So...we drank that...and I bought some Pineapple juice to mix with her Pineapple Rum and my Coconut Rum that we bought in the ship....

Needless to say, we got a little too buzzed...and I ended up staying the night there because I don't drink and drive...I get scared...

We went to Jack in the Crack at about 3 or 4 in the morning...

Saturday rained almost all was yucky! But I still had to run I made copies of Esmer's negatives...Ooooh..and I got a haircut! I looove it! See...the bottom part of my hair was starting to get fried up...cause I permed it about a year I had to cut it...I had no choice...I saw this cute hairstyle of some hair magazine thing and told the lady I wanted it to look that way...It's short...above my shoulders and layered...and the bottom part wisps out...and my bangs are layered as well so it kind of covers my eyes sometimes...It's really cute...and I don't regret cutting it one bit...well...not yet... :-)

Oh, yeah...and I went and bought some groceries...

And then I went home...Cindy came to drop off the kiddo's cause Beannie was gonna take care of them...then I grabbed some out-clothes and some personal necessities...put them in my backpack...and then we went to Paula's to get ready...

Oh, and we bought some more of the Green Apple Smirnoff's... :-) Some boys...about the age of 18...19...were trying to get me to buy them alcohol right outside the gas station....Too funny...specially since I wouldn't budge...all I told them was, "I'm sorry. I can't. But I'm sure someone will come and do you the favor." There's no way I'm going to get in trouble for that! No freakin' way!

Of course...we were running late (So what else is new)...and about 10:45...we were on our way to the club...

You know...we witnessed the weirdest and freakiest thing...

There were about 6 accidents...within a mile of each other...down 183...and then 2 more on the other side of the Highway...and then about 2 more on the service road...

It really was in particular stood out in my memory...mainly because we had to pass right through it on the service road...and there was this lady...she was hurt...and she was sitting on the floor...and the back of her car was smushed...and you can tell her car flew off from the freeway...and there were about 3 cars on the freeway...and it did not look pretty...

It still gives me chills every time I think about it...

And to think...had Cindy not been taking a little longer than usual...and had I not been missing my keys for the last 10 minutes....we would have been in the middle of all that chaos...

And that's when you know that someone's up there looking out for you...and I had to say my "thank you" once again...

Anyway...the club was pretty fun...we went to "Babalu's"...we thought it was Salsa night, but we were wrong...Salsa night was on Friday...and Saturday night...they were basically playing Hip-Hop and House...which was still pretty good...

So...I met a couple of of them was like gum...the kind that you pick up off the floor and sticks to your shoe...

So I danced with him once...fine. Twice...Fine. After that...give me a freakin' break! No matter where we would go...he would always find us! And he wouldn't leave me alone! He was nice and all...but still...I need my personal space. I need some breathing room. Later towards the night, he asked, "Do you want anything to drink?" And I said, "No, I'm fine. Thanks." And he said, "Are you sure? Water? Anything? I'll go get it for you." Then I thought..Oh, good...he'll go get it for me...hence, he'll disappear for a little while. So I said, "Okay, I am a little thirsty. Can you get me some water?"

That was the FASTEST 5 minutes of my life! I don't know if he ran or what...but it seemed like he just left and here he comes...with a bottle of water...

So I might sound mean, but he just kind of irritated me...on top of that...when we were leaving...he insisted on walking me outside the friends were trippin' out...

Anyway...I met this other guy...Cindy's known him for a while...and I've heard about him...I've been to his house when he wasn't there...I've even seen a picture of him...but I've never met him before...until that night...

And I guess you can say that we kind'a hit it least for the moment...

His name is Wally...short for Wallace...weird name, huh... :-)

We went to his house after the club...there were about 2 other guys who were there...and me...and Cindy...and Paula....

We stayed up till about 5:30 in the morning talking and playing around...

We talked about maybe going to Mardi Gras together...cause they're planning on going...and I told them that it's on my "To Do" List...since I've never been...I guess we'll see about that...

Anyway...Cindy got a booty call...freak...the kiddo's were at Carrolton...which is a Wally and I dropped her off to her "friend's" house...and I told her to call me when she's ready to be picked up...and since she was just about 10 minues away from Wally's...I stayed there and watched a movie and waited for her phone call...

It was actually pretty cool...Of course, I fell asleep 10 minutes into the movie...but it was cool...He just pretty much hugged me the entire time...

And Cindy finally called at about 9:30 in the morning (She got there at 6, by the way)...and I picked her up...and we went home....

Sunday was chill day...we got some Jack...went back to the house...ate...slept till about 1:30 (Cindy stayed sleeping all day)...ate again with my mom and sis...and stayed in the dining room talking to them till about 4....Tried to clean afterwards...did an okay job of it (Except for my room...which still contains hampers of laundry that still has to be folded)...Talked to Mike (Remember Mike? The sugar daddy from the cruise)...he's planning on coming down this weekend and partying in Dallas...and that's fine...I guess I can gather up Esmer and everybody so we can show him a good time...He's pretty cool...but I don't see him past the "friends" matter how many zero's his bank account might carry...I really don't care about all that...It's just not me...

Anyway...I made plans with Wally to watch a movie...ordered Chinese for Dinner...took Bri to her Grandma's...took Cindy home...and then went to Wally's place...watched them put up groceries...and watched "Good Will Hunting" afterwards...

Believe it or not...I have never seen that movie before...and it was actually pretty good...I liked it... that was my weekend summary...enough babbling for now...I've gotta finish up my work so that I can go home!!! Finally!!!

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30