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2003-12-31 | 5:02 p.m.
<< Happy New Year!!! >>


Had a long island iced tea and some taquitos at Tia's last night with was really quiet, but we had fun anyway...

Then we went to Nelson's to drop off the boarding passes and the was cool looking through it with him and planning where we're gonna go...what we're gonna see...God, please have that passport here on time. I know I shouldn't be worrying and everything...but I guess I just keep thinking...if I keep the worries behind me...and then all of a sudden the passport doesn't come...then this disappointment will just hit me full blown...straight in the face...and I don't know if I can handle that...

"Worrying is like paying interest on something you may never own..."

I love quotes and advices...but sometimes it's just so hard to live by them!

Anyway...Nelson and I are supposed to watch movies tomorrow at his place...Jeepers Creepers I guess we'll see. I was trying to borrow the movie...but then he said that he hasn't seen it, either...and "why don't we just watch them together?" We'll see...I never really did like making plans...they never go through...Okay, maybe we should never say "never" I'll say this..."They hardly ever go through"....

So...I guess today's the last day of 2003...another year quickly...

Never thought I'd say that...

But it seems like the older you get...the faster the days come...they come...and then they go...and before you know're wondering "what happened?!"

So...tonight...I'm gonna celebrate. I'm gonna celebrate getting through this year...getting through the tough times when I thought it was never going to get better...the tears...the laughs...the parties...I'm going to celebrate 2003, dammit! And everything that it stands for...

Then...I'm going to celebrate for the New hopes that this year will be better than the last...

More experiences...more laughter...less tears...more luck!

And I wish the same for everyone else...


Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30