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2003-12-03 | 5:21 p.m.
<< Bunch of Crazy Guys... >>


So I talked to the guys last night...Izzy called me at about 9...they just got to Miami. I asked him, "What the hell are y'all doing over there?!" And he said, "We're recording some songs...working..." So I told him that they're probably gonna hit up all the clubs over there....they're in South Beach...imagine that! I'm so jealous! I wanna be partying in South Beach, too! Well, he said, "Nah, we're just gonna be working." My ass they're just gonna be "working"! Those are some partyin' fools! They're not just gonna "work" while they're out there...and so I told him, "Yeah, right y'all are just gonna be working! I know y'all are probably gonna be partyin' almost every night!" He just laughed at that...probably cause it's true. Anyway, he said they're not coming back till about the 22nd...and then after that they're probably gonna be going home to spend the Holidays with the family. So he said, "I told you to come watch the movie when you had the chance! Now you're probably not gonna be able to till next year!" And I said, "Boy, you act like "next year's" all far! It's just next month!" And he laughed at that, too. And he said, "I know. But we'll have to party big when we get back." And I said, "Okay, then. We will. Just give me a call. You guys have fun over there and don't "work" too hard."

They're crazy... :-)

Anyway, Kumbia Kings will be here next I heard. At Club Blue...and if they are...I'm thinkin' about going. Just because I promised Eric I would. The last time I talked to him he had made a comment that I don't go see him play anymore. So I promised him that the next time they come into town, that I'll be there to cheer him on. So I guess I'll go. More than likely he'll call me, anyway once they get into town. I miss him. And I wanna know what he's been up to. It's been about a good month since the last time I talked to him. But the difference between then and now is that I've made up my mind that we're just gonna be friends...that's all we can ever be. He's already made his choice. There's no turning back now. Not when there's a baby involved. That and a wife.

So...maybe he can introduce me to J.P? :-) That boy's fine. At least he looks fine in the pictures. Pictures don't lie...or do they? Hmmmm...I guess we'll find out soon enough.

I told Cindy about the concert, and she's up to it. So I guess we'll see what happens then. Plus, we've been wanting to go to Club Blue, anyway...just to see how it is. Might as well hit two birds with one that how the saying goes? Oh, well...whatever... :-)

Before | After

last five

How the stars line up - 08.25.09

2008 already?! - 2008-01-07

Yet another transition... - 2006-09-27

Already been a year... - 2006-09-05

Too late... - 2006-06-30